Why Pet Boarding is the Best Choice for Canines?

Why Pet Boarding is the Best Choice for Canines?

  Feb 24, 2021   |   1615   |    5 min read

Give unconditional tender, love, and care to your furry friend, which is equal to the reciprocating affection they receive from you in your absence. At Another Home, we suggest bearing in mind the following features for your pet:

We allow ample wandering space for pets to play and run around. The fresh aroma of green pastures and the vast area bring out their chirpy side.

Vets & Vaccination  
Let's ensure our pets' safety and increase their life-span with timely vaccinations and veterinarian facilities available for complete well-being.

Comfy Accommodations
We make sure your lovely pets' comfortable with spick-and-span surroundings, and the kennel space allows them to feel at home.

Pet Bathing & feeding schedule
When it comes to pets' personal hygiene or their feeding time, we do not compromise on quality and schedule.

Authentic License
Make sure you opt for an adequately licensed and insured pet boarding facility for your pet's ultimate security.

Open to Interaction
We're all ears to hear any pet concerns from you as we hold them dear to our hearts and proceed accordingly.

Emergency Process
We have a team of experts handy for emergency cases where your adorable pet may require additional care and attention.